Sunday, August 11, 2024


 Making progress on the house, including the lean to. Slow, painful progress but progress nonetheless.

Hopefully finished the remote tasks with work and I can stay around the house to continue doing work.

No other really major things coming up at the moment.

Though this weekend? Was very much a lazy long weekend. Should have gotten a fair bit more done, but ended up doing late starts and being rather un-motivated. Really not feeling it. But wet season approaches, and it must be done.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Over a thousand

Chopping down trees, and moving the bits off onto the burn pile. Not a huge drama, chainsaw makes short work of dropping trees and cutting them into manageable bits.

The problem? Green ants. Lots of them, very angry. I suppose justifyably so, I was busy cutting down their homes and source of food. Still, the bites are annoying and painful. Luckily I don't seem to react to them, though I do feel like garbage.

Estimate over a thousand bites. I was getting covered in ants as I was picking up branches and logs to move around. I was countimg them, and stopped counting when I'd hit 20 (sometimes 30). Each trip I still got more bites on the way to the dump point. Some trips I'd reach 20 just before I dropped that load off. Some trips I hit 30 before taking a few steps.

And I did a lot of trips.

So just had a shower, took an anti-histamine and generally feeling like garbage. Oh well, managed to clear some land. Still lots more to go.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

First run

 Been pretty hectic and working non-stop on the new place since June. Making progress!

Went for a run - first one since 28 June (according to my records) where I went for a run on my own account. We do some exercise for work, but even that has been lacking due to all the downtime I've had. Not too bad - did 2.9km in 18min, going to be feeling it in the morning!

Edit late 25 Jan - yup, really feeling it in my legs!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Joys of Palmerston

Waiting in the carpark, all I can hear is a constant stream of fighting, shouting, cursing and breaking bottles. Kind of admirable really, that they have the energy to keep on carrying on non-stop.

And it's a Wednesday night, not even the weekend yet.

Monday, September 11, 2023

And still busy

Making some progress, but still very time poor. I don't expect that to change any time soon.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

So, so busy

New place, lots of space but so much work to do. Not enough hours in the day, or dollars in the bank. :(

Friday, April 28, 2023

Got my Vivillion

 Yay! Took a while and I was way behind most other people, but I finally collected from the last region. Turns out I had enough friends (other players, not actual friends) from around the world to get most of them. Savanah and Sandstorm I was able to get relatively easily but the last one - Tundra - proved quite elusive. I had needed just one more for ages!

Another box ticked, wheee!