Friday, December 11, 2015

Guitar: Day -X

Well, I have decided to learn to play the guitar. I've had a number of different creative outlets that I've been looking at but not had the satisfaction from them.

That's a bit of a lie, I really enjoyed making stop motion animation with Lego (check out - free plug!) and really like photography but in both cases I lack resources to do it. Writing was okay and I like it, but it seems like I never write, which is kinda step one.

I can't afford to buy a guitar but my mum moved house and gave me her old guitar. I have it now, though it does need new strings.

I won't have the money or time to replace the strings and practice before returning to Darwin. And I won't be able to take it with me on the plane so I won't be able to start learning or practicing until all our home gear gets there... early next year (hence why this is Day -X since I don't know how much longer until Day 0).

At the moment I plan to try and record some videos of myself to vBlog my progress (or lack thereof). Not sure if that'll end up happening but it'll give me something else to create. Fingers crossed.

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