Friday, May 14, 2021

OGame - big hit

 And by "big hit", I mean "got hit, big time".

After my post from a few weeks ago, I've drastically cut back how much attention I'm giving to OGame. It was kinda fun for a while but then it started becoming more like work. Funnily enough, since I'd stopped giving it as much attention, I went higher in the rankings due to me letting more resources build up and then investing them in construction (which can't be destroyed) rather than ships or defences (which can).

I logged in this morning to have a look and see how it was going. All my planets had been attacked, every single one.

Meh, not that I care that much. I spent a bit of time and the resources that were left propping up the mess but it's kind of hard to use a fleet of fifty ships to fight off attacks of thousands of ships. I'm guessing my account attracted the attention of the bigger players, or one of the larger alliances.

I'll keep logging in every seven days or so (after spending several years building it all up it's kinda hard to let go) in order to keep it active, but it looks like my account is going to end up as a farm for others to constantly attack for resources.

1 comment:

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