Sunday, May 29, 2022

First flat

 So I didn't ride in the last few days and I was walking past my bike in the shed, checked the wheels as I walked past and the front tyre was flat.


No biggie, at home, so a good chance to see if I can change a tyre on the side of the road if I need to!

The good news is that I can change a tyre with the simple tools that I carry, and the bike pump I've got can put enough pressure in there to get me home. So if this happens on the ride to/from work, it won't totally stop me. Took just under 30 minutes to do the change, though if I was really smart, I'd just carry a spare tube and patch the holy one at home.

Edit: turns out the patch was no good. An hour later and the tyre was dead flat again. I think I know where I may have gone wrong, so I'll have another go at it.

Edit Monday morning: second attempt was still holding pressure in the morning, yes! I'll pull out the compressor this arvo and put it to full pressure.

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