Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Reaching crescendo

For several years, I've been playing a game called OGame. It's a space ship, battle type online game which really, it's rather dull. I don't know why I play it.

I have ten planets on there, and for the last year or so I've been funneling all resources to one planet to build defences in order to make it into a super-fortress.

Now, I've switched it up and am just pumping all resources into it and letting them pile up there. At time of writing, there's about a hundred and seventy million resources on there (the game divides it up into metal, crystal and deut).

We'll see how big the pile can get before another player (or team of players) smash it in order to steal the lot. What a shame there isn't some big scene showing the awesome battle, my numbers will just change from a lot to zero.

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