Tuesday, July 31, 2007

First post from Firefox

For the last couple of years I've been using Mozilla exclusively.

It's great, I love it.

However, it is starting to show it's age since there aren't any new versions for it. So after coming across one site too many that kept crashing the browser (funnily enough, whilst trying to sign up here, at blogger.com) I switched to the new, fancy Firefox.

Actually, I already had Firefox installed since I post stuff to the web. I have various browsers installed so that I can check for compatibility. I even have IE installed (yuck!). Actually, it'd be pretty hard to uninstall it since I run a windows box.

So here I am, on Firefox.


Well, while I'm here I may as well do something interesting. Check this out:

Weee, what a moustache!

That's me, a couple of years ago.

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