Thursday, June 6, 2019

Back home

Back at home again, so much warmer!

Been back about a week or so, didn't have much to write about. I've finally gotten around to ordering bits to repair the bass guitar. We picked it up off the side of the road in  ... uh ... 2016? A while back anyway. Missing a few bits but the body and neck seem straight. It has one string on it and when I tested it, it seemed to be working.

Spent about $22 so far, so that's not too bad an investment. Until I get these bits on, I won't know for sure if the guitar is good or not. If it isn't, I'll re-assess and decide if I want to put more money into it or just walk away.

I'm trying to sell the acoustic guitar, so if that sells, that'll cover some of the cost and also free up a guitar stand (reducing required expenses).

Fingers crossed!

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