Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Jan 2020

First post for the year, and the decade.

Wow, didn't really think I'd be around this long. I remember watching episodes of Beyond 2000 on tv back in the late 80's / early 90's, talking about "the paperless office" and I remember one bit where they were really amazed at comparing a high-end video camera with the studio cameras and how the quality was "nearly the same".

Now almost everyone has a HD video and still camera in their pocket, along with a personal computer and fingertip access to almost the sum total of all human knowledge.

Starting the year (actually, continuing from the end of last year) by working on improving my push-ups. Started doing sets of 5 up to 40 per day at the end of November, today I've done sets of 15 up to 60 and it isn't 10:30am yet. Working towards doing 100 per day before work starts again.

No real progress on the creative front, but I did get reminded of my old Badly Drawn Cinema project. I only made two of those...

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