Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Giving up OGame, again

 I think my last "going to stop playing OGame" post was in about 2019. And I probably had a few more before that too. I'm not sure why I keep coming back to it, probably because I've invested about six years into my current account. I'm ranked #403 in the world (last time I checked) but that's probably more due to other people moving on rather than due to any great skill or effort on my part. I doubt I'll be able to get much higher or crack into the three hundreds due to the effort levels between each rank. I'm happy when I build a big mega-ship on each of my planets, but I've been attacked by players with fleets of thousands of mega ships (and that's fleets with an "s" - plural).

The downside (upside?) of the game mechanics is that when you get attacked, the attacker can destroy all your defenses, blow up all your ships and steal all your resources, but the resource generators on the planets are untouchable. So if you get totally wiped out, you can just rebuild. So long as you're willing to invest the time and effort, there is no lose condition. By that same metric, there is also no win condition either. You can only keep playing, or stop playing.

So I'm back to giving up, again, The current plan is to keep logging in every now and then in order to keep the account active so that others can raid the planets. I'll probably log in at some stage and see a pile of resources there and start rebuilding again, but for now I'll try and keep my hands off it.

Because when it comes to games like this, the line between time "invested" and time "wasted" is very thin. On the plus side, I never spent any money on it, so there's that.

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