Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Epic battle

 Had a frustrating time on today's walk.

When I can, I take the doggos out for walks and I play Pokemon Go while I'm at it. There's a new gym nearby that's right next to a main road and I've noticed that it is highly contested - I just didn't realise how contested!

Was walking past it, there were four big ones on there already so I decided to take over the gym. Battle, battle, battle - took a bit of effort but managed to knock them all off. Tap on the gray gym (neutral), select my critter to drop down - nope! Got a "you can't put that there" message. Gym was now another colour as someone else had put their critter in before I put mine.

There's meant to be a 30 second or so window after winning a gym where the gym winner has priority to put their critter down, so I felt quite ripped off. What I assume happened was that they came along and joined in the last battle and we both "won", so she/he/they got to put theirs in.

So I started bashing theirs, I'd fought for that gym and had taken out the four big ones that were there before. "It's the principle of the thing". They may have still been in the area because they kept reviving their critter while I kept bashing it. So I used it as an excuse to help add hearts onto my Buddies and kept cycling through them. I managed to get through about eight before I managed to kick their usurper off (or they got distracted long enough to stop reviving theirs). On the plus side, the doggos got a good break in the shade - I think I was there about half an hour or so in total!

Having successfully vanquished an upstart but expecting them to circle back to kick mine off, I just chucked an average one on there and walked away. Got about a minute or three down the road and mine was returned after being kicked out, as expected. But I had a look at the gym on the map and it was actually a different team! There were three on there from the original team that I kicked off, but not sure if it was the same players or a different set that happened to be walking past.

Very high turnover, that gym.

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