Friday, January 6, 2023

Staying off phone - good progress so far this year!

 Never mind that it's only day six...

Fourth of Jan I was working, fairly busy so managed to mostly stay off the phone. Yesterday we were mowing and spending time with the family, did good there. Today so far I was on it for a bit in bed then remembered so I got up, tidied up the kitchen, sorted out some sand for sandblasting tomorrow and put together some of the first quote signs.

I'm using the mod podge method (from this video, it's the polycrylic method); the paper is down and they are drying now, we'll see how they turn out. I'm pretty sure I can get better results with the acetone method (also in the video) but I'm not going to go out and buy acetone (yet) plus I still have mod podge left over from prior projects so I may as well use that up. I've previously tried using nail polish remover which has acetone in it, but the other non-acetone ingredients led to sub-optimal results.

I did see a video the other day (which I can't find now) which showed that xylene gives better results than acetone - but it's twice the price.

And Pokemon Go doesn't count as being on the phone because I'm also exercising.

And I wrote this up on the laptop, so it counts as staying off the phone!

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