Tuesday, November 6, 2018

NaNo - Day 6

Numbering days is easy when the first of the month is day one. #CheesyGrin

Okay, so the goal count is about 1,670 words per day (or better). So for day six, I should be at or around 10,000 words.

My actual total is ... 12,823. Wooo! Ahead of schedule (so far)! Now admitedly, I am padding my story, and throwing in extra words that are superfluous. If I was editing this an actual "going to submit to publisher" story, I could easily edit out about 3,000 words (then do a proper edit and ditch another 2,000 or more).

Is this good story writing? Probably not... but it is more writing than I've done in the last ... ten years? Been a while. So hopefully I can maintain the momentum. You can always edit down and tighten up the prose, you can't fix what hasn't been written at all.

Side note about social media; I made a few posts about NaNo and got a few likes but no comments. So now I've stopped posting about it and I'll see if anybody is interested enough to ask how I am going.

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