Thursday, March 12, 2020

Piano, day six

No, I'm not going to be doing "day X" for years! However, unlike drums and bass guitar I'm happy to report that (so far) I have managed to practice every day (for less than a week, yay me, give me a medal...)

So far, learnt basic C major scales (both hands, but not at the same time), very minimal music theory, how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and almost all of Mary Had A Little Lamb. TTLS isn't too hard, that's a nice simple one. MHALL is kinda tricky because I've found several different versions for the last part and none of them sound right. They feel like they either have a note missing or a note extra.

I found a tutorial on how to play Fur Elise, but it's teaching me a sequence of keys to push. Memorising a series of keystrokes is one thing, but I'd rather develop reading music and playing the notes rather than repeating a known pattern.

Hopefully that will come in time, but I like that bit of music so being able to play that will be a nice feather in my cap. I'll be away with work at times during the year, that'll be a bit frustrating but can't be helped.

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