Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Four for four

The last one is gone now. :(

There is a plover family (Masked Lapwings, a type of ground nesting bird) that lives on our street that haven't had much luck with their offspring.

They aren't too bright, and the chicks tend to get run over by cars, washed down storm drains, get eaten or get killed in some other way. They've only had one or two survive to adulthood in the last five years.

They had a brood of four hatchlings recently (the chicks are sooooo cute!) and due to the new veggie patch they were growing up super fast. Probably because they had a good food and water source.

As normal, the chicks got picked off one by one. The last one disappeared, we assume it got grabbed by a cat or a hawk since there was no sign of it except for a few feathers. Poor little chikkies...

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