Sunday, October 4, 2020


 I just came across this brilliant site - 

For those who can't afford Photoshop, or for whatever reason can't put it on their computer (maybe a Linux user?) then this site is essentially a free, online version of Photoshop.

It does have a few limitations (you need a stable, decent internet connection for starters) but it gives you most of the functionality of the best image editing program out there without having to fork over a whole bunch of cash. I wouldn't rely on it as a main editor, or attempt any large or overly complex projects with it - but it might come in handy for quick little things or for opening up a .psd file and saving it in another format.

And as a bonus - no watermarks!

Edit: I've just gone through and deleted a bunch of old comments, specifically a whole bunch of spam comments from this blog - some from 2008! In my defense, I only recently got my proper login working again on this blog, I've been using an alternate account for over a decade which was accidentally created when Google bought Blogger. Over 150 comments deleted, about 48 comments left. For a blog that's been running long enough to be considered a teenager, that's not a lot of engagement...  

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