Thursday, July 1, 2021

Wher I Go

 No, that's not a typo in the title - Wher I Go (with only one "e" in where) is a variant on GeoCaching and a new (was new back in 2008) cache type - usually abbreviated as WIG.

The short version of WIG is that Garmin wanted to get some more markets for their GPS units, and a select few models had extra processing power. These were WIG enabled, and they could be used to play WIG "games". However, smart phones took off, the variety and options for apps exploded and Garmin quietly dropped the idea.

WIG is now kind of in limbo, hobbling along and not really getting support from anyone. Groundspeak (the company  that owns is half-heartedly supporting WIG but it is difficult to create games. Instructions and support are scattered, there's a lot of old or outdated information and a lot of the instructions were in flash videos, which is no longer supported.

Just because I'm a masochist (and I can see a huge amount of potential), I'm going to be trying to build a WIG game or two, depending on how I go. I have a few ideas that I think would be much better cache experience than just a box in the bushes.

So far, I have been struggling to even get a game to play on my phone! Most of the games are location specific, but there are some "play anywhere" games. I've downloaded one, but it isn't playing nice with my phone. There is currently one one WIG in Darwin, and I'll need to try and play that one before I have a go at building one myself.


  • Complete a play anywhere game.
  • Complete the Darwin WIG game.  

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