Sunday, March 10, 2024

Over a thousand

Chopping down trees, and moving the bits off onto the burn pile. Not a huge drama, chainsaw makes short work of dropping trees and cutting them into manageable bits.

The problem? Green ants. Lots of them, very angry. I suppose justifyably so, I was busy cutting down their homes and source of food. Still, the bites are annoying and painful. Luckily I don't seem to react to them, though I do feel like garbage.

Estimate over a thousand bites. I was getting covered in ants as I was picking up branches and logs to move around. I was countimg them, and stopped counting when I'd hit 20 (sometimes 30). Each trip I still got more bites on the way to the dump point. Some trips I'd reach 20 just before I dropped that load off. Some trips I hit 30 before taking a few steps.

And I did a lot of trips.

So just had a shower, took an anti-histamine and generally feeling like garbage. Oh well, managed to clear some land. Still lots more to go.

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