Friday, February 11, 2022

Just about gave myself a heart attack!

 Earlier today I was driving home after work, windows down, not a care in the world. I looked in the rear view mirror to see what was behind me, went back to watching the road. So I knew there was nobody in the car with me. Suddenly, someone slaps me on the back of the head!

Lucky I tend to under-react, could have freaked out and swerved off the road or into a car or something! Didn't have any issues with the driving, but took me a moment to realise that it was a hat that hangs behind the drivers' seat on the hand grip which had started flapping around with the wind of the open windows and the peak was what had swatted the back of my head.

Had a bit of a laugh at myself, but for a moment - dang, nearly freaked out that there was someone skulking in the back of the car and I hadn't noticed them!