Sunday, June 26, 2022

First ride under 40m!

Wooooh, things went very well back on Wednesday. The ride to work was ok, but the ride home I was in the zone and pushing hard. Made it home in 39m 26sec - and that ain't too bad if I do say so myself!

My average speed over the whole ride was 15.9km/h, my slowest speed was 16.5km/h and my fastest speed was 30.1km/h. And this isn't peak speeds (my slowest would have been zero when I stopped for traffic), this is the average recorded over a kilometer by my tracking app. It doesn't record peak speeds, so there would have to have been either a flat bit of ground or a downhill section where I was pedaling hard across the whole km to record that best speed.

Pretty happy with that time, I thought it would take me longer to decrease my time from my original hour and a quarter times. I was quite happy with my first under an hour time, and then again for my first under 50 minute time. Now I've managed to break the 40 minute barrier, so quite chuffed about that.

Mind you, that was also pushing hard the whole time, my average ride time is still around the 50-55 minute mark, it'll be a while yet until I can consistently get sub-40 minute times.

Next major goal is to ride into the city - which is around the same distance, but this is to help out my better half who has this as her goal. Just takes a bit of time to get used to riding the bike - especially when it's been a few years since the last time riding any decent distance.

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