Saturday, February 25, 2023

Appeal worked!

 I've been playing Pokemon Go for a while now, and I've been high enough level that I can nominate new places for the game. Some get accepted, some don't.

There is an option that if a submission is rejected, a player has an option to appeal and see if it can be checked by a staff member and see if it's meant to be accepted.

I made a submission in September last year, and it was rejected. The reason given didn't line up with why it would be, so I figured I'd give making an appeal a go. I already knew it would take a while, but I made the appeal and then promptly stopped worrying about it.

Sometime last night, the appeal was approved and my submission was added to the game - whee! Took five months to go through the system and get a result. Could be better, could be worse. I assume they have a lot of appeals coming through. And now I know the system works.

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