Monday, February 27, 2023

Powerball ideas

 To aid in post workout recovery (and as a snack), there are a bunch of different recipes for power balls - also known as sports balls or protein balls. Loads of places sell them, but I'm always a bit wary about what stuff companies put in them. Home made is more likely to be better, though not cheaper.

Most of the recipes that I've found use peanut butter as a main ingredient which sounds good to me. Adding some type of protein powder is good and will help with muscle recovery but not all protein powders are created equal and tend to be expensive. Egg is a simple substitute though then storage becomes an issue. Not much point eating something healthy that makes me really sick!

A common binding agent is butter, which would have similar refrigeration and short shelf life issues as the eggs. A bunch use coconut shavings on the outside as a way to stop them sticking together.

I might have a go at making some, if I can. Hunting around for a good recipe with ingredients I can afford and tastes halfway decent is proving a challenge.

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