Sunday, February 12, 2023

Dumb idea #2,874

 So in April last year I wrote about running a marathon (42km) on my 42nd birthday. Clearly that didn't happen as I was already over 42 years old when I wrote that.

Today I decided to look up training programs for marathon running. Clearly a lot of the work is the diet - and genetics play a part - but it's certainly achievable. It wouldn't be fun and would require a lot of discipline since I do a lot of other physical training for work anyway - but I was seriously considering giving a marathon a go.

First problem: there are no marathons planned in Darwin. Not on any calendar that I can see at any rate. There are a few running clubs that I've seen (some more organised than others) around the place but none of them have a 42km event listed so far for 2023. If I wanted to do an actual marathon with a group and have participant certificate or something, I'd have to travel interstate.

Potentially, it could be perfect if I had one lined up for when I was going to be in that city / state, but it would highly unlikely I could get that timing to work out. A good one to aim for could be the Perth Running Festival in October. There shouldn't be much on my work calendar then, so I could get over there and give it a go, it's a loop that starts and ends at Optus Stadium in the city and it's a proper organised event with support staff and drink stations (and medics!) Having a quick look at the 2021 results (didn't happen in 2022 - possibly due to covid?) more than half the entrants finished in under 4 hours, with the last recorded finisher at 6 hours, 15 min. Just over 700 recorded entrants.

There are a couple of other marathons in WA prior to October, I don't see any after that one. It would be nice if there was one around late December when I am more likely to be there, but that would land right in the summer heat - not ideal running conditions!

Second problem: shoes. I have a basic set of worn-in shoes I use for training and a nice set of shoes for going out that will eventually be my new training shoes when these wear out but I'd need new shoes. Probably two sets, maybe three. Running a marathon (and the training for it) would put a lot of stress on these old knees and ankles, and a halfway decent set of running shoes are a few hundred. Each.

Third "problem", I'd like something tangible afterwards to show off and remember. Many of the larger marathons include finishing medals as part of the entry fee. From what I've been able to gather, they tend to produce 100 or so medals (more for larger events) as a motivator for the head of the pack to try and get a good time. The ones that tend to be run in Australia (no pun intended) skip that and may give a digital certificate or something with your finishing time. Whee, much excite, so wow. Even if I was in one that did offer the metal discs mounted on a ribbon, it's unlikely I'd finish in the top 100 (and let's be real - probably not in the top 500!)

Other than those three - there's nothing really stopping me from doing something silly like running laps around the block. The last on isn't really a problem because it wouldn't be that expensive to get a little medal made for myself. Quite lame to make myself a medal to award me, but if I ran my own marathon for myself the only thing I'd have to show for it is a screenshot of the time / distance on my running app. Also whee much wow.

So in the end, running "in a marathon" and getting a little trinket to show for it isn't going to happen. Running 42.195km on my own for shits and giggles and then making myself my own participation trophy - entirely possible. But do I want to put in the effort?

Edit: turns out that there is a marathon planned for the NT in 2023. Only problem is that it is over 1,400km away - out near Ayers Rock. And it isn't just the race entry fee: because it's inside the park there it would also require a park entry fee plus accommodation fee in the park. Plus the not-insignificant cost of getting there. Off the top of my head, I'd guess around $1K minimum, assuming I was the only one going. That's off the table.

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