Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Rode the bike yesterday

 Had taken a bit of a break over wet season due to the rains, but rode the bike to work yesterday - last time I rode to work was 12 December. A slump of 64 days, or just over two months. Admittedly the rains shouldn't be too much of an issue as it's always warm here, but I was slack and didn't want to be riding around soaking wet.

All things considered, didn't do too bad: 49 minutes to ride there, 59 minutes to ride home in the afternoon. Though I did do a few PoGo stops on the way back. Getting a sub-50 minute ride there in the morning was pretty good, for not having ridden in two months.

I had planned to ride tomorrow but I don't think I will. We had a semi-decent workout this morning which wouldn't have been an issue but I was stopped early and didn't get a chance to cool down and stretch. I know me - I'll be sore in the morning!

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